
it's all going on

My aunt is in labour and my cousins been bitten by a dog.

Isn't my life amazing?
/end sarcasm



i really should be sleeping

taken from wikihow or whatever it is on how to eat persimmon.

  • Wash the persimmon.
  • Using a sharp knife cut the top(leaves) off like you would prepare a tomato.
    (heres the good bit)
  • Cut into any shape you desire and eat by inserting a bite sized piece into mouth, chewing and then swallowing when safe to do so.

Well duh.

My Grandmother could take down your Grandmother.

Nan: You're going to an awful lot of parties on the weekends, George. I think you're going to sex orgies.

Thanks, Nan.


fine night

i really should be getting ready for college.
instead i'm watching videos of metal bands doing acoustic sessions on youtube.



i'm just really really bored.

happy thursday

oh hi there

kitten sitting today.

i miss reading

i never have time for it anymore.

good morning, starshine

How are you?