
birmingham gathering

was pure amazing, i like smaller gatherings.
call me lazy, but not having to get up until 8 was a handy advantage :D
it was really nice getting to know hattie, ian, alex, jonny, rhys, ed and lex better - they're all epic people.
i really have no idea what else to write. it was just amazing, and you're a cock if you didn't go
*cough* benjy *cough*

basically he's a lad i've known for a TIME. it's coming on for about 3 years now, and i've not met him once.
and yesterday i did. epic win :D
i would've found him sooner had he discovered the ability of answering his phone :
it was a shame i only had him there for about 5 minutes though, but 5 minutes is better than nothing at all.
you shall be seeing him on youtube soonish, because he runs this thing called everything you touch turns to gold and he'll be interviewing bands and posting the videos online.

[there will be the lol/FAIL picture that kirsty took here soon KTHNX]


oh, and i recently came across some old youstage pictures.
i forgot how epic this guys mustache is.

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