
i wish i had these tights

in all honesty, i never in my life imagined myself liking things like this. less than two years ago i was what i considered to be 'hardcore'. i only listened to grindcore and screamo, i wore far too much eyeliner, my wardrobe was full of black and neon and i straightened and back combed my hair every day. for some reason i felt the need to conform to something to feel included.i wouldn't say it's just college that has changed me, but i love how my tastes now span entirely different genres. in the past half an hour i've listened to classical, electro, comedy, indie, japanese pop, grindcore, 8bit, musical and hip hop music. and i love it. though i doubt people at uni will appreciate it :\
when my mum asked me to write out my christmas list, i seriously suprised myself with the things is was choosing. before, i would've asked for a million different albums that all sounded the same, and i'm comfortable admitting that now. i have no idea how my family put up with me when all they could hear from my room was "KJFSHENOIRJGPOERKJTOPEKRF!!!!" i doubt work will like what i like now, considering i work for Telford ROCKS but they'll have to put up with it ^_____^
i like liking prettier things,(shallow as this reason is) i can afford much more now. i can see how awkward i was, only wanting black or dark jeans, and only tshirts that i liked, and only things from certain shops. now i shop, wear and listen to wherever i want, and i'm much happier for it.
someone at college said that i was only changing myself because i'm going to uni next year, and i want to conform to what i think are people's expectations of me. that's total and complete bullshit. i'm not intentionally changing myself, it's just a natural shift in myself. it cannot be helped and shouldn't be ridiculed. i LIKE the look on people's faces when i know that they're listening to carnifex or whitechapel, because they don't expect it of me.
do i really look like a person who would conform to someone elses expectations? i am my own person, and i like who i am. it's taken me a long time to find who i am, so i wish people would appreciate me. and i wish i had those tights.

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