
beda on a day what is a day after yesterday.

so i had a nosebleed today. nice.

i've come to the conclusion that i think too much, and should film more :)

so if you saw my video today you suck. i basically did a video apologising for not making a video as i always do. but yah. it's all with reason, i've been doing my uni stuffs and for each one i've had to do a prep. i suppose it'd be intelligent to use the same one for each one but noooo, i thought i'd do three separate ones, cause i'm AWESOME.
of course in this case, 'awesome' means 'total twat'.

so my three films coming up are heterocera, who my older subscribers will know about which actually makes no sense and will probably be shite. the next is called i will let go if you let go, which is a comedy about addiction. score! the last one is 小さい混同した盗人 which basically means "The little confused thief". I think it describes itself :D
i have 2 music videos coming up as well, a narrative one for Regina Spektor's Chemo Limo, everyone was doing concept or performance videos. i was like "fuch dis, i wants difference"

I'm quite impressed my internets have lasted this long, and by writing that i've probably jinxed myself.

picture unrelated.

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