

A lot of people know about VADA (Vlog Every Day April), well the concept is annoying me now. There are too many people taking part, and although it's a good idea and everything, it's going to clog sub boxes. Tominc told me about BEDA, where instead of making a video every day, you blog every day. I'm taking part in that, that way if you want to know then you can come and find it, instead of me FORCING IT UPON YOU AT ALL COSTS IN THE FORM OF A BROKEN SUB BOX. So yeah.

I failed yesterday, so do punishments apply on here? I'll upload pictures of them, and if they require videos, then i'll do that too :D
B'yeah. Today isn't going to be too interesting. We've just got a lot of vinegar tom and choreography. When I get home I have to tidy my room which will probably take 372456126BILLIONYEARS. So i r blog NAO.

Oshit I have nothing to write.
This will be better tomorrow, I promise ^_____^

I'm addicted.

1 comment:

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

1st <<< Just for the lulz

Hey Georgie, I look forward to reading your BADA

Do you know who else is taking part in BADA I want to stalk them!